30 December 2021

Geologic map of South America

I hope the embedded image will embiggify twice with two clicks, because it is an impressive map.  The colorations are for the types of features noted in the right lower legend.  And we all understand that the vertical scale is exaggerated, but the result is truly awesome.

One of my cousins who works in Peru is going to try to find out from the Geologic Society of America if this map is commercially available.   If any readers know,  please leave a comment.  A tip of the hat to reader Kolo Jezdec, who has posted a link to a source for this map in the Comments section


  1. Greetings from that small stripe called Chile!

  2. Well dang! No wonder the Uruguay's rugby team crashed into a mountain and had trouble being located. (Referencing the movie Alive.) I stumbled upon that movie as a kid and learned one should always pack extra food when flying over mountains. It could literally save your butt.

    Those things

  3. This looks like the work of Sean Conway,
    He does have a Webshop linked in his profile.

  4. When I was in my teens, I attended a lecture by Buckminster Fuller. I vividly remember him describing the Earth as a smooth, polished sphere; that is, if looking at the true vertical scale. I think he was illustrating the fragility. The thinness of the atmosphere, etc. I never looked at relief maps the same, but I still love them!

    1. I totally love relief maps, and since my postcollegiate years I've purchased USGS topographic maps of wherever I was living at the time and thumbtacked them to my apartment and home walls as a substitute for fine art. Raven maps also has nice ones of U.S. states -


  5. I've got a flatfile drawer full of those USGS maps in all sizes which will probably be trashed when I die.
    Nobody seems to be interested past Google maps anymore.

    1. And I have a small box full of old National Geographic maps that I sometimes use for Christmas wrapping paper. Sad, really.

    2. Allows someone else to throw them in the trash.
