16 November 2021

Rant by a university physics professor

Excerpts from his full-text letter published in Harper's:
This controversy started after I made a few statements in a meeting to the effect that I believe the pandemic is a stunt designed to enslave humanity. The end result will be that no one will be permitted to buy food in a supermarket unless they present proof of vaccination. This electronic certificate will take the form of injectable micro or nanotechnology. It will be a fulfillment of the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast, as described in the Book of Revelation...

It’s that I’m calling out the huge scientific frauds—Bill Nye, Buzz Aldrin, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Anthony Fauci are part of a system of lies. I also said “atom bombs are fake.” The footage of atomic bomb tests are just films of explosions of large piles of TNT, made to look bigger through special effects. These techniques were used in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. The films of the Apollo moon landings were faked using the same bag of tricks. The sunlit surface of the moon is over 700° F, not 250° F, as NASA claims. That is why the moon glows red during a lunar eclipse—not because of refracted red light from Earth’s atmosphere, as Bill Nye and Neil Tyson would have you believe.

Now I have to address the tweets I made about Jews. I do not believe that middle-class Jews are involved in an international conspiracy, only that a small number of their elites are. The entire world has fallen under the spell of a satanic elite. Their end goal is a technocratic one-world government, where everyone, Jew and Gentile, will be microchipped. Lord have mercy on us all.


  1. That was from February. He was expeditiously canned. https://fsutorch.com/2021/02/27/breaking-thomas-brennan-announces-on-twitter-ferris-has-cut-ties-with-him/

  2. Allow me to annotate:

    This controversy started after I made a few statements in a meeting to the effect that I believe the pandemic is a stunt designed to enslave humanity.

    You are free to believe what you want. You are even free to say what you want. But that does not make it true.

    The end result will be that no one will be permitted to buy food in a supermarket unless they present proof of vaccination.

    This would be great news. It would be wonderful to know that fellow shoppers are not carrying a deadly disease. We would not allow someone infected with the plague or leprosy to shop, why do we allow someone with COVID to shop?

    This electronic certificate will take the form of injectable micro or nanotechnology.

    Nonsense. We already carry micro- and nanotechnology on us in the form of a phone. That few of us want to let them out of our sight. So no reason for microchip injections. Get with the times, your fears are from the 90s.

    It will be a fulfillment of the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast, as described in the Book of Revelation...

    Great, a scientist randomly citing from the Bible. That's like having a pope who's a scientist, or a queen who loves James Bond.

    It’s that I’m calling out the huge scientific frauds—Bill Nye, Buzz Aldrin, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Anthony Fauci are part of a system of lies.

    Citation needed.

    I also said “atom bombs are fake.”

    They are not.

    The footage of atomic bomb tests are just films of explosions of large piles of TNT, made to look bigger through special effects.

    There are more eye-witnesses of atomic bombs exploding, including in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, than witnesses of said films. It is true however, that you and I have never seen an atom bomb explode. I have been to Hiroshima though. Rough museum there. How about you?

    These techniques were used in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

    And Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Come on, be complete in your references.

    The films of the Apollo moon landings were faked using the same bag of tricks.

    Granted, far fewer people were eye-witnesses of the moon landing than of atom bombs exploding. Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse-Tyson certainly never made it to the moon. And laughably, the latter claims to run a Planetarium. A moon isn't even a planet.

    The sunlit surface of the moon is over 700° F, not 250° F, as NASA claims.

    Reference needed.

    That is why the moon glows red during a lunar eclipse—not because of refracted red light from Earth’s atmosphere, as Bill Nye and Neil Tyson would have you believe.

    Yeah, totally not the exact same phenomenon that turns the sky red every night. Not at all.

    Again, reference needed.

    Now I have to address the tweets I made about Jews. I do not believe that middle-class Jews are involved in an international conspiracy, only that a small number of their elites are.

    Sadly, anti-semitism is binary. You're it, or not. Can't hover in between. Come on, pick a side. Mazel tov!

    The entire world has fallen under the spell of a satanic elite.

    Ref Q.

    Their end goal is a technocratic one-world government, where everyone, Jew and Gentile, will be microchipped. Lord have mercy on us all.

    You're so behind on your fears. We want to have a microchip on us. We carry them everyday. They're so handy! Cell phones are awesome! You can learn physics, you can read sent-in letters, it's amazing!

    Finally, a question: What class do you teach? Can I find that class on ratemyprofessors.com?

    Signed, another Physics Professor.

    1. charlie and the chocolate factory was the book. the film based on that book was renamed willy wonka and the chocolate factory

  3. Respectfully, and regretfully, there is no point in fisking things like this. On one level, it is a primal scream, albeit incongruously sophisticated. On a more important level, it is a prime illustration of the way addiction works. This guy knows better; but he is addicted to an ideology, and addiction places hooks in the brain that intercept perception, comprehension, and intention. Anyone who has spent any time with an addict knows that if they are confronted with anything that threatens the incumbency of the drug, their authentic personality instantly disappears and is replaced with a synthetic one whose only thought is to protect the drug. That is what this is.

    1. Had to look it up: "The term Fisking is a term invented by sections of the blogoshpere opposed to the pro-Arab reporting of Robert Fisk. It describes the process of shredding a written argument line-by-line, parsing the meaning and providing counterpoints and is so called following application of the proceedure to Robert Fisk's articles."

    2. ...and here I thought it was what Fisk himself did to the writings of others. We live and [typically falsely imagine that we] learn. Of course your source is completely discredited by that vicious little "pro-Arab" aside, but I presume you found others that supported the essential interpretation.

    3. there is no point in fisking things like this.

      It is not, in the sense of arguing with the author. There's little change he'll even find this, or would take in my punny replies.

      It is actually relevant to occasionally take these rants apart, just to show how much bullshit is in them. I think the depth of insanity gets lost on many people. Many conspiracy theories don't even make sense within themselves, e.g. the microchip nonsense.

      By occasionally completely ripping the nonsense apart, hopefully, you dismantle some of the things that keep going around, to some of your audience. I hope that it then completely removes any sticking of the argument.

      For instance, it took me a while despite being a physicist, to realize that keys are made of brass, and are not magnetic. It is important to call that out, and explain the lack of logic. Some conspiracies are hard to take apart because they're purposely complicated. Others are not. But the magnetic vaccination was easy. Keys are not magnetic. So even if the vaccines were magnetic, you can't use a key sticking to your body to proof that they are. Now you've shown not only the stupidity of the argument, but you've also dismantled the entire argument. That must be most convincing than just laughing at it.

      PS, I didn't know what fisking is either. Annotating other articles is a long standing internet feature on many sites. The wiki page seems contested.

    4. The fruit is so low it hangs on the ground. I'm inclined to wonder if there's an organic explanation. Would not be the first time.

  4. Honestly, I'm disappointed. This is more unhinged than a typical conspiracy theorist, and has strong elements of clinical paranoia and apophenia. Because this professor is not likely to agree to treatment, it's going to be very hard to work with him, and I get why he's been terminated, but it's sad, and it's sad that the letter was printed - though I think the discussion that posting it in a setting like this serves to frame it differently, and can be valuable.

    I also find it frustrating that as I lean pretty strongly left, the printing of things like this feels like schadenfreude (I've never had to spell that before) and doesn't really help my political positions in an atmosphere where the discourse hovers at a fourth grade level. We really don't need to dance on the grave of every high profile or successful person who is taken down because they're having difficulty with reality testing. It's enough to know that there is a lot of this out there right now.

  5. This isn't real. It's an obvious joke. Similar to the one about some flight attendants tying up some passenger.

  6. There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
    - Isaac Asimov

  7. This is a mental crisis that calls for pity.

  8. Is this an example of inverse Poe's Law?

  9. As Snappy Sammy Smoot discovered, if you can't deal with reality, reality will certainly deal with you.
