06 August 2021

"We're about to mummify your ass now, boy..."

Kudos to this flight attendant.  I hope he is appropriately rewarded.  And I hope the airline sues the shit out of the malefactor who was yelling about how his parents are millionaires

Addendum:  As a plethora of readers quickly pointed out, this video is a production of a skilled comedian.  But my third sentence is still valid.


  1. I believe this is a comedian. He has identical content regarding the Frito Lays strike. Funny stuff!

  2. Rofl.
    (And: Dang. That's a convincing duct tape sound effect he's got going there.)

  3. He's a comedian, not the real flight attendant. That channel often airs his stuff, from what I can tell, but I can't tell if they tell the audience who he is.

  4. That is great!
    This guy is wonderful, a hero.

  5. This is apparently a parody - https://boingboing.net/2021/08/06/comedian-pranks-the-world-by-pretending-to-be-flight-attendant-who-taped-violent-bro-to-seat.html

  6. Too good to be true. Unfortunately this was a comedian's prank.

  7. I love The Real Spark. He was also recently a Frito Lay employee. https://youtu.be/NtXprCW45RI

  8. isn't that the same actor who did the frito lays strikers video?


  9. I think the first clue would have been his size, he was never going to be employed as a flight attendant.
    You seen the size of those jump seats ?

  10. "And I hope the airline sues the shit out of the malefactor who was yelling about how his parents are millionaires. " PREACH!

  11. I think your second sentence is valid in terms of both the flight attendant and the comedian. And your first sentence is certainly valid in terms of the flight attendant (not pictured).
