03 August 2021

How to do public health

The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan has fully vaccinated 90 percent of its eligible adult population within just seven days, after receiving vaccines via foreign donations, its health ministry has said.

The tiny country, wedged between India and China and home to nearly 800,000 people, began giving out second doses on July 20 in a mass drive that has been hailed by UNICEF as “arguably the fastest vaccination campaign to be executed during a pandemic”.

“And if there’s anything that I hope the world that can learn, is that a country like Bhutan with very few doctors, very few nurses but a really committed king and leadership in the government mobilising society – it’s not impossible to vaccinate the whole country.” 
More info at Aljazeera.  Shame on the people of the United States.


  1. Mandate vaccines.

    It's been done before.

    You do not have the freedom to damage my heath.

    1. You don't have the right to not get sick

    2. Simply being unvaccinated isn't a reasonable standard to deem someone contagious, especially if they're otherwise healthy.

    3. Refusing to be vaccinated is putting other people at risk. Saying it's okay for people who could be vaccinated to refuse to do so, if that's what "You don't have the right to not get sick" means, is like saying it's okay to drive through red lights if you want to. Depending on the circumstances it may still be possible to avoid accidents but it still greatly increases the odds.

    4. The odds of what? You getting sick? If you're vaccinated, why worry about that? Besides, evidence is mounting that vaccination isn't the silver bullet you make it out to be.

    5. IronHorse, I'll reply to your questions by quoting... you. If you believe what you say in your last sentence, then that answers your third question, doesn't it?

    6. Since I never suggested vaccination was a "silver bullet" it's disingenuous to say that I did, but if evidence matters then consider the fact that some hospitals, such as Vanderbilt, have had to postpone other medical procedures where they can because they're overwhelmed with unvaccinated COVID patients. Not to mention the variants that have resulted from the disease being spread among the unvaccinated.
      Those who are unwilling to get vaccinations aren't just putting themselves at risk. They're threatening the rest of us.

    7. So be it, which returns to the original point: If the vaccines aren't effective at preventing transmission, then why mandate them?

    8. IronHorse, you left out "100%" and implied "0%". Your question should properly be phrased "If the vaccines aren't 100% effective at preventing transmission, then why mandate them?"

      And if the answer to that isn't self-evident, then I see no reason to continue wasting my time discussing this with you.

    9. Since facts matter let's emphasize the fact that at least 95% of cases currently filling up hospitals are unvaccinated patients.
      The small number for whom the vaccine doesn't work could have been managed but they're now having to compete for resources, even for their very lives, with those who could get vaccinated but won't.

  2. It is all a numbers game. Recall the wonderful vacc stats for West Virginia.

    1. ?? I'm not sure what your point is. Got a link re the stats?
