04 July 2021

A traditional Fourth of July

Our neighborhood celebrates the Fourth of July in traditional fashion.  First, you commission a local artist to decorate the street with fireworks and a starting line...

... for a parade, which will be led by the town's fire truck.

The neighborhood children follow in a parade of decorated bicycles -

- their energy levels fueled by sugar bombs of creme-filled and glazed doughnuts -

- decorated in colors of which the Founding Fathers would have approved.  The parade ends about a half-mile later at the local school, where the various sports and competitions are better suited to tweens than to an elderly photographer.


  1. No one warned us when we moved here in late July 2019 that our neighborhood does this, as well. We were mighty surprised yesterday when multiple firetrucks cruised slowly by, sirens wailing, with dozens of kids on bikes behind them. It was a pleasant surprise indeed. Unlike the various neighbors who felt that fireworks needed to be set off until 3 a.m. My cat didn’t sleep a wink, but hid, shaking, under the dining table all night long.

  2. in the middle box - can you ID the two long ones with the white icing (and the three with the blue icing)? also, in the nearest box - the plaited / braided one? do either of those have specific names in your town?


    1. I have no idea, but some reader will know.

    2. I'd call the iced ones Long Johns. Ideally they're filled with white cream - more like icing than custard. The braided is literally called a Twist at the donut shops near me. Often they're dipped in cinnamon and sugar before being sold.

  3. Americana Deluxe:


  4. My wife is basically from Madison although it took a few family moves to get there. She graduated from UW Madison.

  5. Patriotic red,white&blue heartburn. When I was a kid in New England the braided doughnuts were called Crullers.
    Fireworks are payback for 364 days of cat attacks from ambush, walking on your sleeping face, and pushing everything off the mantel. LoL

  6. i bet you could identify where people come from by what they call their donuts!


  7. Watching the TDF mornings, this year, I don't see any in the French crowds either.
