01 May 2021

Impressive tsunami footage

Interesting video filmed either by Darth Vader or by someone who has just run to the location (and should have run away earlier).  A good reminder that a tsunami may consist of a succession of waves rather than a single one.   This 6-minute video shows a 2017 Greenland tsunami; it is one of the later waves that washes away the buildings.

I recently watched Bølgen (“The Wave”),  a Norwegian movie about a fjord-based tsunami. It is a fairly generic disaster movie, but rather well done, has won awards and has an 83% Rotten Tomatoes rating.

Related: New video of the Japanese tsunami.


  1. The thing we've seen now with a tsunami is not so much that it's a giant wall of water crashing down. It's more a totally inexorable surge that carries EVERYTHING before it. And it's terrifying.

  2. darn it - june 17, 2017 is the correct date for that greenland tsunami.

