01 April 2021

Here's something you don't see every day

"A 54-year-old woman presented with palpitations that were relieved when she passed gas or had a bowel movement. Computed tomography revealed the presence of the transverse colon within the pericardial cavity."
Details at the NEJM link, but basically this is a rare presentation of a diaphragmatic hernia.

1 comment:

  1. My colleague and I here in Wilmington are developing a nice series of these too.

    Dehmer, J., Weiner, T., Symptomatic diaphragmatic hernia after pediatric epicardial pacemaker placement, Am Surgeon, 2011 Nov; 77 (11) E250-1

    Carballo, C., Dehmer, J., Weiner, T., Acquired Morgagni diaphragmatic hernia and pericardial hernia after cardiac surgery. J Ped Surg Case Reports, 2021 Jan; 64
