02 November 2020

Introducing NFAC

"... a group of armed Black men and women who call themselves the "Not F**king Around Coalition" or NFAC... The all-Black, Atlanta-based group has grown in size out of frustration during a summer of protests against questionable policing... Their presence has caused a stir in the cities they've visited and the group has drawn some criticism after people accidentally fired a weapon during two of their rallies...

"In one sense it (NFAC) echoes the Black Panthers but they are more heavily armed and more disciplined... So far, they've coordinated with police and avoided engaging with violence," he said.  Johnson said the group is made up of "US citizens exercising our constitutional rights and the color of our skin shouldn't make any difference."

"Nobody says anything when other demographics pick up weapons, decide to arm themselves and confront the government over anything from wearing a mask to being cooped up in the house, but when certain demographics arm themselves all of a sudden people tend to act as if the Constitution doesn't matter," Johnson said."
More at CNN.

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