19 September 2020

Whom do you believe ?

This in a week when it was revealed that CDC guidelines on coronavirus testing had been written by Trump officials and were contrary to the advice of CDC staff.

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that a previous CDC guidance was published on the agency’s website over the strong objection of CDC scientists.

The scientists disagreed sharply with recommendations in the document including one advising that people who did not show symptoms of Covid-19 had no need to be tested for coronavirus, even if they had come into contact with a known carrier, the New York Times said in a report on Friday.

Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which oversees the CDC, rewrote the document in question and “dropped” it onto the agency’s website, the New York Times quotes unnamed government officials as saying. HHS is run by the Donald Trump appointee Alex Azar.

“That was a doc that came from the top down, from the HHS and the [White House] task force,” the Times quoted an unnamed federal official as saying. “That policy does not reflect what many people at the CDC feel should be the policy.”

For fox ache.  This kind of politicizing of policy can be dangerous.  Screencap via BoingBoing.


  1. I believe waiters with herd mentality...

  2. "This kind of politicizing of policy can be dangerous". Not 'can be'. Is. 200,000 deaths pretty well drive that point home. Res ipsa loquitur.
