21 September 2020

Don't tell them...


  1. It's actually for a good reason. The trip to Mars will be 1.5 years and they don't want to risk a baby.


    1. The avoidance of pregnancy is logical and valid. But the title was about preventing astronauts having sex during the voyage, which is rather a different consideration.

  2. So they are saying that same-sex sex is okay?

  3. Queen Victoria famously could not understand how two women could "be together", so ignored that possibility. Apparently the editors of the above source have the same attitude, which I may say is a great improvement on the hatred and violence directed at LGBTQs generally. Would that citizens could become more the dear late Queen Empress.

  4. I think this is more to do with a certain segment of the population believing that sex is only real if it involves a penis. Otherwise, an all male group could go.

  5. Dear writers of this article: Lesbians exist, and so does masturbation. While this tactic might well prevent pregnancy, it will not actually stop sex from happening. Sincerely, common sense.

    P.S. I know it's been a while, but I'm eager to renew our acquaintance if you are! Sincerely again, common sense.
