29 September 2020

Carl Sagan must be rolling in his grave these days


  1. Isaac Mizrahi has been on Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me! to play the "Not My Job" game at least twice. He's so witty and charming I always wonder why they don't have him back as a regular panelist.
    This might explain why.

  2. It's not that they're dumb. Their heads are just full of knowledge about things I have no interest in or use for.

  3. Last thing she says" "I don't like that at all, I don't even know what that means". Summary of American attitude towards science.

  4. You get up Put on your clothes and if you're lucky the designer knew right from left.
    Abstractions like planets, stars, moons etc. are best left to the astrologers.

    1. This is one of those comments where Poe's Law applies....
      Though I'm a Scorpio so I guess I'm a natural skeptic :P

  5. School has been wasted on so many of you.
    The sun is a star (our star !)
    The earth is a planet (our planet!)
    The moon is a moon (our moon !)
    Obviously our language was formed here on our planet (?) so we call the moon a moon.
    Other planets have moons but they have individual names where ours is just 'the moon'.
    Every twinkling star you see in the night sky (and outside of cities you see a WHOLE lot more) is a sun for someone else.
    Around most of those starry suns are planets with different shapes of people living on some of them.
    And on some of those planets there are unusual looking people who didn't pay attention at school asking if the moon they see in their sky is a moon or a freaking planet and somewhere on that planet is a guy sitting at his computer thinking 'WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID ?'

  6. People exactly like this, with not an ounce more knowledge of biological science, are also the ones who tell you to 'do your research' about vaccines.

  7. All those words spoken, all those words typed, not once was the word "satellite" used.
