11 August 2020

Make use of your local library

 YouTube link.

TYWKIWDBI  loves libraries.  So we'll share this PSA for a Texas public library, found by John Farrier and posted at Neatorama.


  1. *curtsies* Thank you, sir.

    My colleagues and I are thinking about ways that we can top or, at least, imitate this video.

  2. The Harris County Public Library is my library! Since I got an e-book reader, I only check out e-books. They have a much better selection than my other library, the Houston Public Library.

  3. This is a lot of fun but, as someone who works in a library, I ask that you please think about the safety and welfare of library workers before taking advantage of curbside service.
    If you can read this blog chances are you have other options. A librarian working remotely may even be able to help you.
    I think it's great that libraries are trying to offer something close to normal service, and we should, but please work with us to keep everyone safe.

    1. Our local library offers curbside service without patrons ever seeing the library staff. Order books, DVDs, CDs etc online, call to schedule a time to pick up, and then go grab the bag.

