10 August 2020

But last month he said he loved masks ...

Trump has said "I'm all for masks.  I think masks are good."  But of course that was last month...
"Donald Trump was loudly cheered by guests at one of his golf clubs when he told the media they were not required to wear face masks because they were attending a “political event”.
A reporter asked why this event in New Jersey wasn't following the state guidelines for disease prevention...
Because it’s a political activity – they have exceptions for political activity. And it’s also a peaceful protest,” the president said, as the crowd stopped booing the questioner and began cheering Mr Trump’s response. 
“You have an exclusion. The law says peaceful protest or political activity. You could call this a political activity but I call it a peaceful protest, because they heard you were coming.” 
He added: “And they know the news is fake. They understand it better than anybody.”
In fact, the state guidelines make exception only for health reasons, children under age 2, and high-energy sports.


  1. I am just so tired of all of this and simply don't understand how *anyone* could possible support this president. He has lied, lied about lying, broken the law, made fun of women and the handicapped, uses social media like a 12 year old middle-schooler, can't form a cohesive thought or sentence, is a bully; I could go on and on. My new homemade bumper sticker says: "America OR Trump Choose one, because you can't have both"

  2. Yeah, but who else had the fortitude to warn us that...

    Windmills cause cancer!
