18 August 2020

Blasian parents at their daughter's wedding

The word was new to me; I was misreading it as "bi-asian" rather than the portmanteau "black-asian" term it is.  Perhaps a common term in Australia, where the wedding took place.

Closeup of the parents in their traditional dress.  More photos at NextShark.


  1. Australian here - have never come across "blasian" before, although when I saw the photo I figured it out.

    1. BBC suggests the term arose in social media: "But #Blasian is a growing social media tag used by black or Asian people in relationships with one another..."

    2. Similarly aussie and never heard of it, and my wife is kinda Blasian :)

  2. The phrase has been around for a long time, you'd be more likely to come across it if you are a person of color or living in either culture.

  3. I'm Australian and i have never heard this term before. i have heard a similar term of basian in usage in UK media and music to refer to people who are from black and Asian parents. it should be noted that in the UK there are many black people whose ancestry lies well within the UK and the common use of Asian in the UK includes all of Asia meaning India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and so on

  4. Meanwhile, most white men keep thinking that a suit is the best way to dress at a wedding. Glad I didn't wear one on mine.
