15 June 2020

This is how our library reopened

At the Fitchburg, Wisconsin public library, patrons have historically logged on to their account to request a book/music CD/DVD etc.  Staff members normally find the item and place it on your designated shelf inside the building, where you then pick it up at your leisure.

Now, in order to follow coronavirus precautions, the process begins the same way, but now your items are placed in grocery bags labeled with the first three letters of your first and last name.  You walk over and pick the bag up and take the items home (I got six DVDs this morning, so expect less blogging in the coming week).  No need to show a library card when doing so (because there are times when you  just need to trust people).


  1. My local public library is doing an exemplary job of social distancing.

    My campus library has yet to reopen, although all of us on staff are keeping busy helping students online. We're even doing reference interviews through WebEx, which is a neat feature.

  2. My library has a drive-up system. You park in a numbered space, open your trunk, and call the front desk. Within a few minutes, someone brings the books out and puts them in your trunk.

    Another part of the lot has spaces where you can park to use the library's wifi.

  3. I had to use Google to query the spelling of 'curbside'? Asssumed the article was going to be about a library's spelling mistake, we use Kerb here, curb is used in a sense of limiting.

  4. For the last 10 weeks, Coos Bay Public Library has been taking phone requests for holds and then shipping them via USPS. Returns must be delivered to the drop box.

  5. my library is allowing socially distanced computer usage - but they do swap keyboards and mice after each user, and wipe down the used ones. ILL is also slowly resuming, but on a 2x or 3x per week basis, rather than daily deliveries. they doing front door pickups of borrowed materials, but not as many as you picture above. all in all, it is so nice!


  6. My local library has curbside holds pickup 5 days a week. The front door is open, with a table blocking it. The only thing on the table is the library card scanner. Behind it is another table with a computer, and a bunch of library carts with books people have put on hold. You reach in and scan your card, and the librarian on duty looks at the computer screen, finds the books you have on hold, checks them out on the computer, prints out a "due date" slip, and slides them across the table. Works quite nicely. I didn't even know they were doing it until last week when I happened to drive past on my way to the post office.
