26 April 2024

"The whole world is watching"

In August of 1968 the Democratic National Convention was held in Chicago, where a large group of young (mostly white) people gathered to protest the ongoing Vietnam War.  The Presidential nomination was as yet undecided, because Robert Kennedy had been assassinated and his delegates were thus uncommitted re the choice between Hubert Humphrey (forboding a continuation of the Johnson policies) and the anti-war Senator Eugene McCarthy.

The protest chant of "Peace Now" elicited a Chicago police response which changed the chant to "The whole world is watching." The world did watch via live network television coverage, and many of us remember it vividly.

In 1968 I had just finished college and had the opportunity to drive down from Minneapolis to Chicago, but opted not to go.

Reposted from 2020 because there are two national political conventions coming up this year, student protests are spreading around the country, and once again the whole world will be watching...