26 June 2020

Cuckoo recorded migration of 26,000 km

"When Onon the common cuckoo took off from Mongolia last June no one expected him to make a 26,000 km round trip to southern Africa
Onon has not only amazed conservationists, but gripped social media across the globe. As coronavirus lockdowns brought the world to a virtual standstill, fans followed online updates from the Mongolia Cuckoo Project, watching in awe as Onon cruised across oceans and made 27 border crossings in 16 countries."

1 comment:

  1. How the heck do they find home again? I don't think I could find home after a few km in suburbia without a map or painstaking notes. I know birds have magnetic sensors, and the ability to memorize geographic features, but seriously this is a long journey. Are they simply following the gradient of caterpillar populations each way, and the location of home has evolved to the apex of food production in each season?
