26 May 2020

Divertimento #180 (gifs)

The Golden Gate "zipper"
World oil production, 1970s to now
Scary as hell dashcam footageAnother one.
"Hamster wheel" for human babies
Lady destroys a child's chalk drawings
"Dragon's breath" ice cream
A young girl learns a Star Wars secret
Carpet cleaner with upholstery attachment used on toy
Magic trick with coin and matchbox
Worldwide child mortality 1900 to present
Switch on a cog railway
Man intentionally pushes a bicyclist off the road into the ditch

Nature and science
Controlled burn of black poplar fluff in Spain
Putrefied whale carcass explodes
Bioluminescent mushroom
Magnetic field demonstrated

"I don't believe your science"
People protesting a closed gym prove they don't need a gym open

Baby woodcocks learning to lure earthworms.  See also flamingoes feeding.
Monitor vs. garden hose
Leaping lynx (I may have posted this before, but it's worth a repeat)
A bobcat performs a similar leap
Hand-feeding a Nautilus
Sand viper conceals itself
Flicker vs. starling
Dolphins stunning fish with a tail flick
Head stabilization of a cheetah
Yet another cute cat video
Brushing the teeth of a hippopotamus
Woodpecker eats a dove's brains

ASMR vlogger tries to eat an octopus alive.  Octopus fights back.
Outboard motor goes to a watery grave

Impressive or clever
Parrot unlocks a safe
How not to get paint on the rim of the can
Table transforms into bench and vice versa
Hammock facilitates dog grooming
A compilation of "dad reflexes"
Machine converts logs into veneer
Man draws a circle.  That's all.
Awesome outdoor model railway

Sports and athleticism
"Nailed it!"
Distraction for a basketball free-throw shooter

Humorous or cheerful
Saturday Night Live's "Mother's Day commercials"
"Harry Potter and the Return of the Receipt"
Elderly widower receives a special gift
Girl pranks her momAnother one.
Thieves break into a house
"Stickman" Halloween costume goes awry

The embedded images are regional flags of Russia, from a large gallery at Radio Free Europe, via the always-has-something-interesting Dark Roasted Blend.


  1. Switch on a cog railway = uses flamingos?


  2. Switch on cog railway links to flamingo stomping.

    I wonder what OSHA regs are with regard to hippo dentistry.

  3. Is there a way to have the link for the gif itself, rather than the reddit page? All you really want to show is the gif, right? And the reddit pages don't always work.

    1. Sometimes I can link to the gif and sometimes I can't (I'm not particularly skilled at this). Sometimes the Reddit page has useful commentary, often it doesn't. Note when there is a message at the top that something has been removed, it may be just a comment rather than the gif, although the original posters do sometimes withdraw the gif.

  4. Cog railway link fixed. Tx for the heads-up.

  5. That first regional flag ... Chernobyl ?
    It has been 34 years, maybe the bears have taken over.

    1. Zheleznogorsk. The identities are at the Radio Free Europe link I embedded.

  6. The burning pollen(?) made me think of both the Star Trek movie that had some sort of "Genesis bomb" and also the visuals of the whole Revelation thing where the old earth is destroyed by fire and a new earth replaces it.

  7. Have you seen the video of the exploding whale in Oregon in 1970? They decided to use dynamite to turn it into whale chow for the gulls. There was actually a demo expert on site who told them they were using way too much dynamite, but who listens to experts? Much hilarity ensues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBgThvB_IDQ

    1. Yes. I blogged that back in 2009 -

