27 May 2020



  1. Wearing masks in enclosed public areas (eg- stores, etc) or in an outdoor area with a considerable amount of people is common sense. But wearing them outside when you can easily keep social distance and then sheltering in place at home both suppresses and weakens our immune system. It may seem counterintuitive, but our immune systems need the everyday germs in our environment in order to continue functioning in a healthy manner. The last thing we need is a weakened immune system, particularly now.

  2. My grandfather was some sort of municipally appointed light warden during WWII. Apparently it was his job to walk around the neighborhood checking that people were keeping lights shrouded. I can't imagine the problems a Covid warden would create in this day and age. Instead of being one country against the enemy, we are two counties against each other, using the enemy as an excuse to behave badly.

  3. Stan B. - All good except for your statement that wearing masks weakens your immune system. Just google that question, there are countless articles on why that logic is pure bunk. Masks don't put you in a special immunity bubble suit, you are still more than exposed to the environment and can still even get Covid-19 when wearing them. They just reduce the risk for you, me, your family and anyone in with a compromising health issues. You can google this as well: what "would happen if everyone wore masks"? Well, if just 80% did we would see infection rates plummet. We are loosing 1000 to 1500 people per day. Imagine if, simply by wearing masks, we could prevent the majority of those infections? Should not even have to ask this of anyone who cares for the lives of their fellow human beings. The comic above is spot on for a select population of Americans. Wear your darn mask to keep everyone safe. And, again wearing a mask does not compromise your immune system. Doctors and nurses are wearing these for countless hours on end and not one of them is worried about them compromising their immune systems, know why? Because they don't. Wear your mask.

    1. Somehow you manged to incorrectly reduce my entire comment into a statement imploring people not to wear masks... So once again-
      "Wearing masks in enclosed public areas (eg- stores, etc) or in an outdoor area with a considerable amount of people is common sense."

    2. I agree with unknown that there is zero evidence that wearing a mask anytime anywhere "suppresses and weakens our immune system."
