02 April 2020

There is a subreddit called "insanepeopleFacebook"

That's where I found this.  I don't normally go there.  Visit at your own risk.


  1. Maybe when their friends and favorite celebrities start to die, these people will shape up.

    1. The WHO says nothing about "dying" related to the term "pandemic".,

  2. Not even sure what it unconstitutional about the orders to stay at home. It's the same as being told to evacuate before a hurricane - except that this will be much more deadly.

    Good luck negotiating with the virus about your constitutional rights when you're in the hospital taking the bed from someone who did stay at home.

    Maryland arrested and jailed some motherfucker that held a party a week after another party was stopped by the police.

    Stay the fuck at home. Listen to Sam J. https://twitter.com/SamuelLJackson/status/1245778791592366082

    Excuse my language. I have little patience with people threatening my life with their dangerous behavior.

    3 weeks ago I had to yell at my dad in Europe to stop shaking hands. Today he called me to tell me where his will is in the house. He's totally fine, but down the street a couple died within 36h from getting their first symptoms. That hit home for him.

    Please share newsclips from inside hospitals with your defiant friends. If you can watch that without getting scared, you have no emotions.

  3. The Constitution guarantees the right to peaceful assembly along with freedom of speech but endangering public health isn't a right any more than yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
    I'm not happy about staying home but I'd be less happy about contracting or passing on COVID-19. As Mel Brooks and grandson Max said in their PSA, "Don't be a spreader."

  4. I wonder who they voted for in 2016 ,maybe they won't be around to do the same come Nov .

  5. Shropshirelad wonders who they voted for in 2016. I don't.

  6. I am afraid i didn't need your advice. Dumb Americans are among the dumbest people on the face of the Earth .Don't get me wrong ,there is much to admire about America and Americans ,but it is hard to understand how they can be so stupid .Been to the US three times and it is a wonderful country ,amazing landscapes.But some of the people on that site seem to think stupidly is a virtue .

  7. Shropshirelad, there are dumb people everywhere. Before checking the "insanepeoplefacebook" subreddit (which I regretted pretty quickly) I had never heard of the crazy 5G/coronavirus conspiracies. Yet today in The Guardian, there is a story that people in the UK are abusing telecoms workers and setting fire to mobile phone towers.
    The US has no monopoly on ignorance and stupidity.

    1. Sorry ,it was only after i had posted that i saw the bit about the dickheads over here ,didn't mean to give the impression that the US has the monopoly on stupidly ,dickheads over here in GB voted to leave the EU in 2016 ,and they voted tory last Dec .Anyway ,stay safe .

  8. Freedom is always negotiable when your freedoms trample upon the rights or liberties of others. That's the purpose for which laws exist, and the Constitution is a set of laws, not Holy Writ. People like these are criminals, in the literal sense of the word. By knowingly and willfully putting other people at risk through their behavior, they deserve to lose their liberty according to the same laws that they're trying to invoke.
