17 March 2023

Bad pie

I wasn't blogging on "pi day" this year, so I'll belatedly repost this old item from 2020.  Image cropped for emphasis from the one at the via.


  1. One of three things is going on here, I believe....

    Either folks are so materialistic that they would worry more about the economy than their familiy...

    Or, two, they have a very solid grasp of probability, and so do not sweat it, since the chances of death (or even near-death) is relatively rare...

    Or maybe they have put it all together and concluded that if the economy does actually crash, that will be as bad (or worse) than getting coronavirus. I we see how we are reacting at THIS stage of the game (hoarding, price gouging, shortages, etc.), then extrapolate to what even worse societal conditions would be, it might be actually rational to think that such an event would be worse than having to deal with coronavirus.

    I tend to fall squarely in the "Worry about my family" most category, but I suppose I can understand how some folks might see it quite differently.

    1. I'm not too worried about getting the virus, since I am prepared, and doing the things necessary to avoid it.

      I am worried about economic issues, since I am more poorly prepared and do not have control over some things that effect that area of my life.

    2. Yep. History Teacher. EGADS! I wan't looking at the percentages, but the slices (i.e., each about a third).

      Sorry, guys. I'm a doof sometimes.

  2. It apparently went straight from Facebook to the graphic arts intern. This is what happens when everyone is working from home by email with no group vetting.

  3. Things I never learned in school:
    The whole of something = 178%

    1. I guess they stopped teaching Venn diagrams

  4. Wow! What kind of pie is that? Should have a "losing ability to make additions" Covid-19 worry also. 48 + 62 + 68 = 178%.

  5. what about the worry about the loss of basic math skills

  6. If measured, the slices represent 38%, 35% and 27%.

    Interesting take here:


  7. I don't think you first posted this in 2010, as you said. We hadn't even heard of Covid at that point.

    1. I'm always appreciative of my army of poofreaders. Fixed. Thank you.

  8. They were using a Florida elementary school math book.

    1. Ha ha, good one. Or it might have been a California or New York text book. Or lots of other states such as Georgia and Oregon., CA, NY, and FL scored about the same on the 2022 8th Grade Assessment in Math. Similar results on the Reading test. FWIW, CA scored significantly lower on the Science test than FL (in 2015, the last year that NAEP results are available for Science).

      Interestingly, IMO, the DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity) schools have among the highest scores on the annual NAEP.


      (8th grade is generally considered to be the grade by which students should have learned the fundamental skills in core subjects.)
