30 March 2020

A different type of puzzle

I couldn't solve any of these until I saw the 20th one.  With that enlightenment I immediately figured out #19 - but I couldn't solve the others.

The answer is in a link at Miss Cellania.


  1. This was fun. I got 20 right away, then picked up 1, 2, 7, 10, 12, 13 & 19. Oh, I just figured out #9 and think I know #15. I would have thought you could get #10.

  2. The only one I don't get is #8, the rest are easy. No spoilers though, in respect of those who want to try themselves.

  3. I couldn't figure out #16

  4. Starting at the end does make it easier. There were some I didn't know, even the spoiler was of no help because I had no knowledge. But if you are an older person, you should get #8 ��

  5. I looked up the answer for #8 -- even knowing the answer, I'd say that's pushing it. I think any of the ones I didn't get are stupid. :-)

  6. #1 was the easiest for me. Longest running show ever.

  7. This was a fun one! got about 2/3 after walking away a few times. Sent to my millennial kids- looking forward to seeing how they did. Thanks for the entertainment!
