25 February 2020

Video from 1911 optimized and colorized

I love this type of archival video; I like to play them full-screen and imagine being there.  A little more information at Digg.


  1. Given your comment I think you would _love_ the classic novel "time and again" by Jack Finney. A great number of famous writers, such as Steven King, refer to this book as the definitive time travel novel.

    If you get a good edition with a forward on it, they will discuss the literary device used for time travel. The device used for time travel is you simply create a setting where you can vividly imagine yourself in the past, and there you are. Now you might say "oh come on that's stupid". But the point is this, the very act of reading an immersive book is your own suspension of disblief and the visual representation of the world on the page in your mind. For a really great book you might even day dream in the cotext of the world the author built and as YOU imagined it. It's a great trick because it discards with all the high tech nonsense and just gets you into the past so the story can go on. I think this is why sci-fi writers love this book so much.

  2. i like the 60 fps / 4k clean-ups. i have seen others on the web and they all look good.

    next step in restorations - get rid of the dialog cards in silent movies and replace them with subtitles. those cards, and the resulting breaks in the on screen action, are so annoying!


  3. there is a sequel, 'from time to time', to 'time and again'.

