07 February 2020

Scrapbook, part VIII

This is the final installment.  BTW I quite realize that the text on these pages can be very difficult to read.  One possible workaround is to right-click on a page to open it in a new tab, then zoom the image on that tab.

Coming next: pages from a separate "humor scrapbook."


  1. Your question about the interstate system and visiting each state is known to be a variation of a mathematical problem known as the travelling salesman problem well studied by graph theorists and computer scientists. It is widely believed (assuming P is not equal to NP) to be computationally infeasible to compute the optimal route. Fortunately we are aware of approximations that allow us to find quite good routes so long as we are willing to give up on ideas like "absolutely shortest" or "absolutely optimal".

  2. Hey Stan

    I’m listening to the latest No Such Thing As A Fish podcast #307 and you get a mention at the 39:11 mark.

    1. I record all the programs to CD and listen to them while driving, but with winter roads and only trips to Target, I'm way behing (#298). I'll peek ahead. Tx for the heads-up.

    2. Well, it turns out James picked up on the "Fun variants of Scrabble" -


  3. I knew your scrapbooks are rich but had trouble reading them. Thanks for your suggestion here. It works well. Thanks, Stan.

    1. I probably should go back and transcribe that suggestion onto the previous installments for anyone who happens to arrive at them directly.
