29 February 2020

"Ahegao" is the newest trend in Japanese porn

In Japanese, ahegao translates as an onomatopoeia mashup of panting (as in, "ahe ahe") and "gao," or face. It's different from the more natural ikigao, which means "orgasm face."
The best known example of the latter comes from the delicatessen scene in When Harry Met Sally:

Top image cropped (for size only) from the original at Vice, where there is more information.


  1. Well. It's slightly less annoying than the duckface.

  2. It work much better in 2D than real life. Like most things anime. (Not that I'm knocking cosplay - if you love it, go for it.)

  3. Not exactly a new trend. The face, and the word describing it, have been around for a while.

  4. These pictures remind me of a series of collages a friend made about 20yrs ago while on art-college http://www.kunstbarkeit.de/karnagel/karnagel02.html
