24 January 2020

A map of Mormonism

Via the MapPorn subreddit, where a reader comments that the map "displays what percentage of the total population are Mormons, not total number of Mormons per county. It also cuts off at 2%."


  1. Interesting that there is no evidence of them in the burned-over district of New York where they originated and very little evidence of them in the early locations where they were persecuted.

    1. There is an actual Mormon trail tour in Nauvoo. Not far from where I used to go to school so there's plenty of evidence there. I can't speak for any other sites though.

  2. To my understanding every time they were picked on the headed farther west and declared a new holy land. Then nobody wanted Utah so that's kinda what they spread from in an age where they were less persecuted. That's what my Mormon friend told me at least.

  3. I totally agree. My uncle is from Industry, Illinois and the Mormons stopped there for a short time, were persecuted and moved on.

    1. I know Industry, I went to college in Macomb and live in Moline.
