03 December 2019

TYWKIWDBI supports Wikipedia

With dollars.  Wikipedia supports TYWKIWDBI with information.

If Wikipedia is not the best source for information, it is certainly the easiest for an aging, time-constrained blogger.  TYWKIWDBI does not maintain a "tip jar."  In lieu of such, consider contributing to Wikipedia or The Guardian.


  1. I am one of the classic broke folks: my partner of 32 years died unexpectedly at the young age of 66. 3 years ago. I am 76. We were in business together - he was a master jeweler and we made one-of-a- kind spiritual talismans. I ran the business end - when he died, bye bye business, and yet with my meager SS income I give to Wikipedia - I could not live without it!

  2. I have also managed to scrape together a donation to Wikipedia. It's an incredible resource.


  3. Oops. I accidentally deleted someone's comment re contributing $100. Please rewrite the comment.

  4. That's all it said, that I contributed $100 and thanks for the call to action. Although now that you mention it, this blog is worthy of a tip jar too! Every link is relevant to my interests.
