07 September 2019


Offered without comment.


  1. is that related to making edible and nutritious 'food' from CO2?


  2. I just hope that we can all remember to judge our Christian friends--even those on the right--by better and more truthful examples of their beliefs. I know far too many solid, decent, honest, caring Christians that WILL eat vegetarian burgers (if for nothing else, then to lose weight!) than those who will, aghast, rush out and protest at Burger King!

    1. I know that's true, but it's hard.
      I can't think of one Christian person I know at the moment that isn't solidly in the Trump camp. But that might say more about my friends than it does Christians... I lingered too close to fundamentalism for too long... before becoming an atheist and jumping ship.
      But even Christians I've known for years are on that path... including a PHD Physicist from Harvard.
      Of course... all these people I'm thinking of are 'caucasian'... and that might have guided their fears and loyalties.

    2. Speaking as a Christian, I can say this guy is nuts. I know plenty of Christians, none of whom would believe this garbage.

      Also, I'm sorry you only seem to know Christians who are "solidly in the Trump camp". I can assure you there are many of us who are not.
      It is good to cultivate friends of differing beliefs, as you apparently have done. Always good to get our assumptions and views challenged. But you may want to find a few others too, who put some thought into their beliefs :)

  3. Please pass the meatless foods . . .

  4. Jesus himself said that it's not what goes into your mouth that matters, but what comes out (Mark 7:15 and Matthew 15:17). It's what you say and do that matters. He told us in no uncertain terms, love God and love each other. Feed my sheep. How you treat the least of these, is how you treat me. Christians are supposed to be all about following Jesus, but some don't pay attention to what he said.

  5. Looking at it from the neat-eating side, a vegetarian diet MIGHT change us over a few million years, like smaller canine teeth or something, but God always knows who is "technically" human.

    1. I'm a big advocate of eating neatly. Glad to see I'm not the only one!

  6. No. No they do not. You, sir, are wrong. Unequivocably incorrect. You have no proof or evidence to back your ridiculous assertion, other than your decidedly idiotic belief that 'science bad'.

  7. Well, if they're no longer humans, they don't go to Hell either, right?


    P.S.: God, these people are stupid. Or, their leaders are deliberately coming up with the stupidest sh*t they can think up, just to troll their debilitated followers.

    1. It is I, the letter you could not remember in the word shit.
      Sometimes even I forget the most important vow(el)s.
