12 August 2023

Madeline's first train ride

The sheer unadulterated joy of a child having a new experience.  We have all undoubtedly had a variety of these when we were young, and sadly that sensation is hard to replicate as an adult.  But we can share hers vicariously.

Discussion at the MadeMeSmile subreddit.

Reposted (once again) to accompany an adjacent post about train rides, but mostly because it is one of my all-time favorite video clips.


  1. i still get a similar thrill. :-)


  2. One of the best things about having kids is the vicarious thrill of experiencing something new. As an adult the only time I feel that for myself is when I read TYWKIWDBI.

  3. She's just precious. I love her expressions and that remark - "Oh my goodness" makes me smile.

  4. Dunno if it's her first time *seeing* a train. The caption to the video says it's her first *ride* on a train.

  5. i love how she puts her words together (at about the 7 second mark): 'look at how it goes to us.'.


  6. according to the youtube page, that video was posted eight years ago. i wonder if she is still as enthralled now and she was then?


  7. The facial expressions and the hand gestures. I wonder if they came naturally or learned behavior watching adults?

  8. Could you post a follow-up, as that video is 12 years old? What happened to that girl (woman)? Does she recall that day? Is she still as enthralled buy trains?

    1. Perhaps you could do some research on that and report back to the class next week. :-)

  9. Reporting back. I did find photos of a person who could be the person in that video, if they were aged by about 12 years. Those photos are about ten years old. The video was posted 12 years ago. We do not know when that video actually was made; it could have been made as early as 2006? The location of the video is identifiable. Overall, too much speculation and uncertainty to provide URLs to any of those. And, too much of a "creepiness factor" to try and contact any person.

    1. It's unusual for any commenter to actually respond in a constructive manner to my suggestions for research. Thank you, anon. (Maybe the adult Madeline will show up at TYWKIWDBI some day and offer us some thoughts...)
