27 July 2019

For movie enthusiasts


  1. Airplane vs. Zero Hour
    And don't call me Shirley.

    1. http://tywkiwdbi.blogspot.com/2017/09/airplane-vs-zero-hour.html

  2. As I see it, Tarantino makes art in the same way art has been made for most of human history, but it's only controversial because of the systems that have emerged relatively recently.

  3. It's a fallacy to attribute how all movies are made, to one influential director or the stupid label of post-modernism. Movies borrow shots and sequences, like we borrow powerful expressions. This how language, visual or otherwise works!

    Tarantino is smart, because rather than trying to copy Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind and Battleship Potemkin. He actually picks through B-movie, Genre trash and then manages to improve it, with a script that isn't brain-dead, big Hollywood actors and production values! We hail him as a genius, because he succeeds at climbing a small hill triumphantly, rather than dying on top of Everest. Modest goals, yet complete dedication, that's the recipe for success!

    The irony is that the bigger his own name becomes, the more difficult it is to manage expectations this way, as a result disappointment builds. This is also the reason why he wants to stop after ten movies.
