14 May 2019

European locations with over 1,000 inhabitants

Best viewed after zooming larger.  Via the Europe subreddit.


  1. It's interesting to see lines of fairly regularly spaced communities along what I assume must be train routes or highways.

  2. Is Romania really that densely populated, relative to its neighbors?

    1. From the link -

      It's all about how the administrative subdivision are defined in different countries.

      Say you have three 500 population villages. You can either consider them separate entities, or you can group them under an 1500 population commune: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communes_of_Romania

      You you check a density map, the difference is not as striking between Romania and Bulgaria: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yG_rBA-z_Gc/VBqnhRtcGEI/AAAAAAAAD2M/npw-8LRDoOk/s1600/europe-population-density.jpg

      (more at the link's discussion thread - just search the page for "romania")
