15 February 2019

How Washington lobbyists use the homeless

This practice has been going on for a long time.  Also at rock concerts and various store openings.  One interesting suggestion in the Twitter thread: if they are being paid to hold a spot for a lobbyist, couldn't someone else offer them more $ to leave the spot, or hold it for them instead?


  1. I have a friend who does this, along with other weird little jobs he picks up around DC. He is not homeless. Not even close.

    1. Could you ask him/her if it ever happens that someone "outbids" the original offer for the spot in line? Or does he/she always work for the same person?

    2. I sent him an email to see if he will stop by here. I looked at a WP article about it as well. Seems a libnestander makes 30 bucks an hour. Two links for you.
      and http://linestanding.com/

  2. https://bigbangtheory.fandom.com/wiki/The_Line_Substitution_Solution
