23 January 2019

There are 8 ways to draw an "X"

The colored arrow indicates the direction of the first stroke.

According to this tweet, most Americans perform method 7 or 8, while most Brits choose 5 or 6 (no data at the link).

Via Neatorama.


  1. i am definitely a 7. the order and direction of the two strokes are in negative directions and say 'ixnay'!


  2. #8. I'm left-handed, which I assume has some correlation with who picks what.

  3. Oops, a typo. I meant to say I'm #7.

  4. Two strokes means: there are 4 possible directional combinations double that for the possible sequences. 4x2 for a total of eight.

    But their ordering is weird. Normally one would probably choose clockwise or counterclockwise. Rather than up, left, right, down.

    A #hashtag has 4 strokes, or 4x4 possible directional combinations times 24 possible sequences. 384 ways to draw a hashtag?

  5. I'm a 5 and also an American. Go figure.

  6. I've met people who draw an X as two bent strokes, as in >< but with the strokes meeting in the center. It appears to be calligraphy-inspired.

  7. I'm a #2 and always have been - I thought everybody was!

  8. #5 is the only correct way for a normal human to draw an 'x' and move on to the next letter efficiently... lol
