16 December 2018

The year in pornography

Pornhub, a Canadian website, is the largest pornography site on the internet.  For the past six years they have been publishing an annual summary of the data at the website (visitors, search terms etc).  Their 2018 Year In Review includes about 40-50 graphs and tables (all safe for work)


  1. Really quite interesting that despite cultural differences, there's really not that much variation in the 'time spent' graph, at least not in the middle. I guess people really are pretty much the same wherever you go.

    1. Would have liked to see a breakdown by gender on this one.

  2. Well, it's about the length of a tv segment on American tv, which is in turn closely matched to the attention span of an adult. So, are most Youtube clips. So, all in all, not too surprising.

    What is surprising will be how many will be distracted by the work 'porn' and draw all kinds of pre-determined moral conclusions.

  3. Interestingly only 19% of users use a computer. Most use cell phones. then Tablets.
