26 September 2018

Immigrant recipes "make America great"

Found at our local library.  Published this year - that subtitle is not a coincidence.

(red highlight added)


  1. Disregard 'great' and 'recipes' and you have the distilled truth; Immigrants make America. That is all. Anyone that cannot see that is a fool beyond help, and borders on being a traitor.

    "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  2. from the pictures on the cover, it looks like they took mom's (or grandma's or greatgramma's) great recipe and made it into something 'noueveaux and trendy'?


  3. Pls leave politics. Reps+Dems=the swamp (including Clinton, Trump, Bush,Obama,... You're not a toddler

    1. I guess you're addressing me ?? You're correct that I am not a toddler, but I don't see what toddlerstatus has to do with the matter. I am a descendant of immigrants, and this is my personal blog in which I post lots of different things, including politics.
