26 September 2018

Dear young people: "Don't vote"


  1. Effective. Of course, being a Trump supporter (at least when he isn't shooting off his mouth or shooting himself in the foot), it doesn't mean I like it.

    Now, while I am happy with all voting as they see fit, I am NOT for ignorant people voting--even if I can't think of a way to fix that. Think of it: You study the issues, you really weigh and concern yourself with candidates character, promises, and policies...only for someone who doesn't even car walks in and cancels your vote out with their foolish vote. Just the way I see it.

  2. Replies
    1. The greatest generation, making america great again. And all that jazz.

  3. No point in voting in the popular when the Electoral College can (and will) overturn it on a whim. Our electors are under no legal or ethical obligation to follow the will of the people, therefore our vote means literally nothing. It's a show. The circus part of 'bread and circuses', meant to make us feel like we have a say in our own lives. We do not.
