28 July 2018

Divertimento #154

Another gif-fest (plus some short videos that seem better linked here rather than in separate posts)

I try to avoid cat gifs, but this one is good.

A swarm of midges

It's a windy day at the park, when the porta-potties go airborne.

Showing someone why they should wear a seat belt

Trashy firework 

Fireworks are illegal in Los Angeles 

Little girl takes her baby brother for a ride (cringeworthy)

Simple modification of a nail clipper

100 years of progression in Olympic gymnastic performance 

Beer flies in Hyde Park

Hey, your mom is filming this.  And those girls don't like you taunting them.

Transporting a mattress

Red Lotus Lake, Thailand

Slow traffic 

Acrophobics can skip this one 

This top does not stop and reverse

How to make an adjustable wrench

Catching fish with an umbrella


Andean bear and a little boy

Dog loves his treadmill

Processionary caterpillars merging

Feral hogs

Feeding a bald eagle

Police dog performs CPR

Rabbit vs. hawk.  Rabbit wins.


Frog ate a lightning bug

Dog performs his "happy dance"

Another happy dance when woman reunited with missing dog

I want to know - who did this? 

Mother duck of nine adopts ten more 

Baby flamingo and a baby peacock and an unfledged baby condor

Spider building a web

If the wind is in my face, I must be running 

"Tunnel snakes" 

Paraplegic dogs enjoy doing "zoomies"



Awesome scenery (the Wengernalp, Switzerland)

Stage magic


Cattail (bulrush)

Ultimate Frisbee play

Kite train

Dancing in the street

Kitchen knife skills


Gulper catfish 

Rooing (handshearing) a sheep 

Woman escapes from mudslide
A young woman puts on her glasses

Gunman taken down by non-lethal bullets (obviously not in the United States)

Surfing a quiet lake

One way to restore a carpet

Sulfur hexafluoride is heavier than air

Etched on a penny

Diving trick 

Nobody dies in this video

Kamikara (Japanese papercraft)


Removing a stump using your BMW

How not to avoid a falling tree

Messing around in someone's unused swimming pool

Beer bong novice

She needs to find a shorter friend 

People underestimate the strength of plywood.  Alcohol probably involved.

Bicyclist crossing an open lift bridge.  Alcohol probably involved.

Probably returning a beer keg for the deposit.  Another "alcohol probably involved."

Get off the phone while working out at the gym

Dancing on a table


Summer job

Astronaut jumps

Dad imitates a seal 

Dad loves his new shoes 

Mom says you can't be back here 

Apparently he's having fun 

Learning to dive 

Sheepdog puppies have herding instincts 

The images embedded in this week's gif-fest were selected from a gallery of "Garden Photography of the Year" (macro) entries posted at The Guardian; titles/content and credits at the link.


  1. re: seatbelts - i have never gotten the why of the front seat passenger having their feet up on the dashboard.


    1. Worse than ending up on your butt on the floor would be having the airbag inflate while her feet on are on the dashboard. At best, she is going to get a face full of her own legs. At worse, broken bones or dislocations.

  2. re: cattails - having a good breeze when you do that just makes it so much better!


  3. Thanks for all the giggles! I love your dumps ~

  4. However, (harumph harumph) the doo doo fireworks are beneath you, Minnesotastan

  5. Great dump, as always. The busker really is something!

  6. I’m pretty sure the dogs are swimming from being surrounded by water, not running because of the wind in their face. If you hold a dog above water many of them will instinctively start paddling.
