17 May 2018

Would you push the handle on the right?

Another morsel from the Crappy Design subreddit.  Ladies Room door on the left, fire exit on the right (the Mens Room is around the corner and down a hall).

Pushing that handle in the theater would set off the fire alarm.


  1. I don't see how to get in contact with you oher than in the comments, and as this is the first WTF post, I'll add it here https://nypost.com/2018/05/17/baby-squirrels-get-tails-tangled-together-like-a-ball-of-twine/

    1. What you found is an example of a "squirrel king." I've blogged that phenomenon before, but the photo at your link is good, so I've added it to the old post and reposted it today.

      Thanks for thinking of me.


    2. btw, the best contact method is in the "About Me" paragraph in the right sidebar.

  2. Bad design for sure but to be fair, it would possibly sound a local nuisance alarm, possibly generate a door forced alarm at a console somewhere, but I've yet to deal with a country where code involves linking a fire alarm to a door contact.
