07 May 2018

"Microblading" for cosmetic eyebrow enhancement

In microblading, a practitioner uses tiny needles to make shallow cuts in and around the eyebrow, which are filled in with ink. It's similar to a tattoo, but it's only semi-permanent. That means it will fade over time, sometimes lasting up to three years, although the results can vary.

The dye placement is meant to mimic individual hairs, so it can make overplucked eyebrows look full and defined. It only takes a quick Google search to find a salon or spa offering the service. But microblading is largely unregulated and carries risks, as Jennifer found out.
The rest of the story is here.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter does this. She has certifications for every kind of procedure, including recreating nipples and areoli for those who have has mastectomies. If you wish to have the procedure done, make sure the technician is certified!
