01 March 2018

Housekeeping/editorial note

At the suggestion of my longest and most-faithful reader, I've made an adjustment to the layout of TYWKIWDBI.

The list of "Categories" in the right sidebar (below the Archive access) is now arranged in alphabetical order.  I had originally set it up with the categories listed in descending order of number of entries, but I agree that this new arrangement makes more sense logistically and will help new readers find an appropriate section of the blog to explore.


  1. Love your blog, long time reader (and ex-Minnesotan myself). My one suggestion is that it's time to get funky with the Blogger templates and make it your own. You can do so much easy customization just with fonts and colors and layouts that you could make the site look a lot more professional or slicker than it does today. No offense intended at all, I just get a little sad when a blogger blog looks like a blogger blog. Cuz it doesn't have to in 2018.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Al. I've added a variety of gadgets and such, but haven't changed the template since 2011. Originally I had banners at the top and bottom, and changed the photos seasonally, but realized they took up a third of the viewing area when the blog wa opened, so I opted instead for the bare-bones, no-frills, frankly austere present look.

      I understand your viewpoint, and I'm totally not offended by your comment, but I don't see any advantage in giving the blog a more professional appearance. This is not a commercial blog. I don't solicit traffic and don't promote the site anywhere. I frankly don't want to get more readers than I currently have, though they seem to find their way here probably via Google.

      I entered that the Weblog contest in 2008, but don't plan to ever compete anywhere again. I'm just using this blog as a place to store stuff that I can go back to read when I'm older and (possibly) demented.

      Even if someone offered to make design changes for me, for free, I don't think I would take them up on their offer. Unless, like the reordering of the categories, the changes were to improve comprehension and readability.

  2. I like your blog just the way it is, though I do like having the categories alphabetized.
    Keep up the great work!

  3. Now I'm curious who your longes, most faithful reader is!

    1. I sense a battle royale in the making amongst the faithful!
