21 February 2018

A comment left on the blog

I had to look up the meaning of "ass clown."  Found a detailed discussion of it at Slate:
As a swear, assclown is a newer member of that noble ass- family, sibling to assbag, assbucket, asshat, asshole, asswipe and any number of other ass + NOUN compounds. These formations variously ridicule someone as laughably and contemptibly idiotic, dickish, or worthless. Assclown, however, is a pejorative pie thrown especially in the face of someone who, wrongly, thinks his actions are clever, funny, or worthwhile...

Assclown has also been at the center of political controversy. In 2015, Minnesota sports producer Kevin Cusick had to apologize after suggesting President Obama was an assclown. Cusick put together a slideshow for the St. Paul Pioneer Press online that featured President Obama wielding a selfie stick. He captioned the image, used for larger social commentary on taking selfies as such: “A fool-proof way to make yourself look like a self-absorbed assclown.” ..
And thanks to this presidential election, philosopher Aaron James released Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, a timely update to his 2012 Assholes: A Theory...

Where does Trump fit in? His type is the Assclown Showman Asshole, with a bit of the Bullshitter and Winner mixed in. And for James, the assclown is specifically “someone who seeks an audience’s enjoyment while being slow to understand how it views him.” When it comes to Trump, that sounds pretty accurate, but I’m certain we can all conjure up some far stronger words.
The comment was left on the Divertimento because I had closed comments on the President's Day post.

Addendum: The troll responded two days later.  He didn't leave a comment on this post where it would run the risk of generating responsers from other readers; instead he posted it at the post about ladies fashion in Austria -

This is absolutely classic troll behavior.


  1. Wow. You snub Millard Fillmore (former president and 1856 Know Nothing party candidate) and the knives come out, hunh?

    1. This truly made me LOL.

    2. Spit take all over the screen. Funniest comment I've read in a long time.

    3. I would've dropped at least one more spot, for Andrew Jackson.


      And to add to the commentary below: Yes, for someone to get that lathered over a rather subtle swipe at D. Trump reveals far more about that person than he knows. Sad. Bigly sad.

    4. Millard Fillmore reference gets bonus points. The original Anonymous post is so sad.

    5. That thudding sound you just heard is the internet being delivered to your door because you won it.

  2. Yep, anonymous sounds like a Trump supporter to me.

  3. I like your website a lot and I share your sympathies.

  4. And of course, it is anonymous, showing all the courage of their convictions.

  5. The viciousness of RWNJs knows no bounds. Nor does their ignorance or lack of sense of humor.

    I might have asked him why he assumed you meant Trump? After all, the one not included could have referred to ANY current or former president (including Fillmore!)

    Maybe, just maybe, he's aware at some level that his knee-jerk fury is because he knows that the lying, traitorous 45 deserves no honor.

    1. I'd say the troll shows all the hallmarks of someone who literally has no opinions of their own, because they operate in a world where manipulating, not thinking, is the measure of all things. The strategy of being hyperbolically disrespectful while preaching respect fits that pattern. It's no accident; you're supposed to notice the hypocrisy and be enraged by it.

  6. Oops, I guess I can't edit -- but in the interest of equality, I should not have assumed anonymous was a man.

  7. I wonder if this anonymous commenter would be willing to come out of obscurity to show us some examples of how he or she showed respect for the previous president? Come on Anon. How about a link to your Breitbart comments thread?

    1. FWIW this was me and how I supported Obama? fully. Fucking loved Obama tbh. Why did I love Obama? Because he tried new things. IMO trying new things is almost never bad regardless of the result.

      Now for why im trolling stan. Plain and simply its because he went from a interesting read from time to time with tywk... to a every other post im going to cry about the president.

      Stan is the exact type of person who acts like "the government" is a big conspiracy, when in reality its literally all of us. We made the gov we are the gov. The elected are elected due to the actions that we the people have led to it.

      I had started mild months ago simply leaving comments saying enough with the bashing of trump simply because it was only dragging down the overall appeal of this blog, but stan simply deleted these comments with no second thought. Now what do we know about someone being ignored? They do more and more until they are noticed (hence me making a headline)

      TLDR no I don't even like trump generally and more or less loved Obama but got sick of stans crying over it.

    2. I call bullshit on your claim that you arrived on the blog trying to improve the overall appeal of the blog.

      I know exactly when you arrived - June 2, 2017 when you left seven comments that I deleted (but saved to my hard drive). On the photo of the girl scout and the Nazi your take was that "it shows neo-Nazis aren't violent."

      Another "improving" comment was that "feminists and Democrats" give Muslims a pass on acid attacks.

      Then you disrespected the accomplishments of my niece's collegiate golf team.

      You've been a troll since day 1 and you're trolling now, as you admit in the second paragraph.

    3. Back in my troll days I made a derogatory comment about your appearance and you changed your picture. I was so impressed that I became a loyal reader ever since.

  8. Whoa! Trolls like that take my breath away. But I'm with you, Stan, all the way. Nice response, by the way.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Huh.. Personally I would have bet that Stan was diss'ing Chester A Arthur out of the 45..

  10. Replies
    1. Yep. Clearly, Anonymous's brilliance knows no bounds.

  11. See, I'd guessed Andrew Jackson was the target. The Indian Removal Act puts him high on my list of presidents to dislike.

    Joking aside, I detest the implied threat of violence. Standing with you, Stan.

  12. FWIW I find this blog informative, interesting and thought provoking. Thanks for blogging.

    I really do wonder if the commentor above is an angry Trump supporter who has descended to full denial or a troll who doesn’t realize he’s sympathizing with the devil — and the devil always wins.

    1. Commentor above meaning commentor in the original post, not Bobbie. :)

    2. Actually no not a trump supporter just when election time came a non Hillary supporter (mainly her tax proposals but that's nether here nor there)

      Mainly I am a stan stop crying about it. Do I like trump? nope. do I always have support for my pres? sure do. Even when morons like bush jr was here (fwiw much shittier pres than trump so far)

  13. The internet can be such an ugly place sometimes, but it can also be wonderful... I think of all the great minds and interesting ideas (like those on TYWKIWDBI) that I'd never have the chance to encounter in real life if the internet hadn't connected us.
    Stan, I admire your ability to wade through the ugliness to continue to cultivate this blog. I'm sure it'd be easier to just shut off comments entirely, but hearing the thoughts & insights of others is one of its charms (another being the divertimento lists!)
    I have to say, I love how the only thing you took from that rude message was a curiosity about the etymology of the insults :)

  14. You are amazing, and thank you for your courage, intelligence and persistence.

    "herd" can be safely deleted.

  15. I think Kevin would have been amused at "Aborath," though.

  16. I still likes ya. Nuts to that assclown.

  17. Reading this blog is one of the highlights of my week!

    1. I second that .Ignore these rightit wingnuts .

    2. Funny how many people assume I am simply a trump supporter. Take a step back and look just how much stans cried recently over trum.

  18. ... For reasons passing understanding, I assumed comments would be closed here, and posted under the divertmento thread (In response to all this! I'm not anon.).

    Long story short, go go Stan, but be careful, there's nutjobs out there, keep your privacy a bit close to the chest, ideally.

  19. This idiot's comments sat far more about him/her than they do about Tywikiwidbi.

    1. And yet its achieved what I set out to do. exactly.

    2. Precisely. "What he set out to do" was not to improve the blog, but to call attention to his/her own opinions and vent his anger at me and at others in this thread who disagree with him. (elsewhere in another comment he claims to have achieved "fame" this way).

      I've been deleting his comments for months, but decided to let several be retained as object lessons on trolling. I plan to write a major post about trolls later this year.

  20. Oops. I will include myself in your fan club. I always find interesting and intriguing posts here. Thank you!

  21. Well, in all fairness, you did close comments on that entry because you knew KNEW that you were going to get taken down for the inside smarm moment.

  22. A moment's silence for Aborath. But this is Nothing like Aborath!
    I congratulate you, Stan, for luring a noxious cockwomble out from its burrow under a rock, and into the sunlight, where it will shrivel, and cringe.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. So easy to hide behind anonymity... Your blog is one of the few that keeps me coming back. I have shared it with so many people. And I agree 100% on the other post. 44/45. One of these is not like the others. One of these is not the same.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Really, James Buchanan was far worse than Trump is: https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/james-buchanan-why-is-he-considered-americas-worst-president/ His inattention to the looming civil war led directly to 2% of all Americans getting killed. It's hard to believe Trump can top that. Even if he gets LA nuked he would still be way ahead proportionally.

  25. Some watch the Stock market, I watch approval ratings. 37% whoo hoo! The Donald has an opportunity to become the most celebrated president next to Lincoln if he does something about our killing obsession. Guns, mental health, addictions. Can you imagine 45 having the balls to put his foot down, not care about the GOP and NRA. To become a martyr for the people of this country. Hell, I'd kiss his ring.

  26. As a sixty-two year old straight white male, I'm just not sure "cock sucker" is much of an insult anymore. At least not where I live. Some things change for the better--though, few and far between.

    Anyway, this is the only blog I ever visit! So, please don't "get out," Mr. Ass Clown. Your work is GREATLY appreciated.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. This blog is awesome, and Anonymous is a very sad, lonely, angry person.

  28. Random trolls are a little touchy these days. And they call us snowflakes! Funny, I could see a right-wing blogger using that "44 out of 45" joke to signal their disapproval of Obama, the one who is different from the rest in their eyes.

  29. I'm grateful to Anonymous for prompting the thorough explanation of the derivation and use of assclown, and also for acting as an illustration of one.

  30. Little did he know, it was Rutherford B. Hayes that you left out.

  31. OK, I'm a different anonymous, and I also didn't like your "44 out of 45" comment. But it's your blog and your prerogative. Also, as an earlier commenter surmised, I had wondered what beef you had with Millard Fillmore (or any other of the more obscure Presidents), but there was no option to comment. Wise on your part. Even though I am no fan of our current CIC, I feel such attacks are beneath us as reasonable and civil Americans. Therefore I wish you had not succumbed to temptation there in the first place. And, aside to Miss Cellania, the 44/45 comment is just as offensive when applied to President Obama as well. As an older American, I despise the public meanness that our discourse has devolved into. I don't always agree with you, Stan, but that's not the point is it?

    1. Kudos to you for a civil thoughtful comment on this matter. I have a difficult time endorsing Trump in anyway because he is so disrespectful to others, which leads others to be disrespectful to him. But isn’t the 44/45 comment a product of how low Trump (and others who use brash statements) has brought discourse? We know we should rise above it, and Stan’s comment was a minor slight in comparison to the death threat he got in response but certainly to respect someone who doesn’t respect many others is tough. I personally struggle with how to deal with the matter with my children. I never thought I would struggle to respect a President of the United States but truly I do and I don’t know where to strike a balance to set an example for my kids. Can I respect the Office when I can’t respect the man?

    2. Anonymous, I'll take a few minutes to respond to your thoughtful and sincere comment.

      I quite thoroughly (and respectfully) disagree with your viewpoint. I do NOT believe Americans have a responsibility to honor and salute their president(s). It is appropriate to respect the office of the President, but my view is that Donald Trump is not appropriately fulfilling the responsibilities or upholdiing the dignity of that office.

      I believe when Americans disagree with the president's words or actions, they have a responsibility to speak out. I have spoken out privately and publicly against Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon during the senseless extension of the Vietnam War, against Bill Clinton's behavior and George W. Bush's warmongering. If Hillary Clinton were President now, I would not hesitate to continue to be critical of her subservience to corporate America. All of those pale (in my estimation) compared to the antics of Donald Trump.

      This is, as you say, my blog. It is a forum I use (occasionally) to express my viewpoints on many things other than politics (pollution, fashion, crime, business practices et al) (click the "rant" category in the right sideboard for some examples). This is a personal blog, written originally for friends and family, and everyone else is basically looking over my shoulder to see what I've written. It's free to access and free of advertisements or any remunerative tricks. I curate the comments not to cull opposition, but to remove interpersonal attacks and unnecessary meanness.

      I will continue to be critical of Mr. Trump as long as he continues in his current persona. I have tried to group most such adverse portrayals in my q-three-weekly "trump clumps" (see the category in right sidebar) which Trump enthusiasts, Trump apologists, and Democrats weary of reading about him can skip over quickly.

      I think I've quoted Martin Luther before in this regard. "Hier stehe ich. Ich kann nicht anders." ("Here's where I stand. I have to do this.")

    3. Stan, I think you and I are agreeing 100% here. I never suggested we needed to "honor and salute" anyone. Just be civil. You were not uncivil, your detractor was. Big time.

  32. No mention of Office Space yet so I'll do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7DdyChR8JU

    I always thought that scene is the origin of "Assclown", at least in common usage.

    There is also an Ass Clown Brewing in North Carolina. http://assclownbrewing.com/

    But as for 44/45, something occurred to me. Does Grover Cleveland count as two presidents or does he just get one number? Hmmm...

  33. Trump brings out the best in people, and those types of comments just proves exactly why people with a soul can’t suppprt him.

  34. You are aware that the sitting president has "45" embroidered on his shirt cuffs.


    1. That image comes from here http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/donald-trump-speaking-notes-meeting-shooting-survivors-1.4546472

    2. Another view of "45": https://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ap18052814255635.jpg

    3. The notes:

      (1) What would you most want me to know about your experience?

      (2) What can we do to help you feel safe?

      (3) Do you see [unclear] something effective?

      (4) Resources? Ideas?

      (5) I hear you.

    4. These comments are getting off-topic. I don't want this post to be about Donald Trump.

  35. Just wanted to say something nice to you after reading that, just to balance things out a bit...so thank you for this blog, I enjoy it a lot, and I hope you have a nice day :)

  36. It's nice to see that the president's most ardent supporters have all the dignity and gravitas of the president himself.

  37. Long-time reader, infrequent comment writer.
    Short version of the following: being nice works out better than being mean, even if people continue to disagree.
    The foul-mouthed Anonymous that initiated this is, I believe, an example of a problem that has less to do with political leanings than it does with a lack of even basic civility, let alone a deeper kindness or humanity. I have witnessed people from all over the political spectrum calling names and being nasty like this person was. I know of one in particular who claims to be so kind and loving, and yet treats others with appalling meanness, both in person and online. It is stressful and depressing to even be around this person (unfortunately, the spouse of a beloved relation). Another relative has been habitually kind and loving to the angry in-law, and over time, the angry one has been, if not always kinder, less frequently nasty. If more of us would put our effort into treating people with kindness, even or especially if we dislike or disagree with them, I think both individuals and our society would be healthier (i.e. emotionally), and better able to work with one another to address and solve problems.
    Daryl Davis is a great example of what I mean: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/black-man-daryl-davis-befriends-kkk-documentary-accidental-courtesy_us_585c250de4b0de3a08f495fc
    On a lighter note, I half-wondered if you might have been referring to Andrew Jackson.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Just a brief note to let everyone who commented know that the troll left a reply (secretly, on a different post). I've appended it to this post, where it belongs.

    1. A quasi-death threat... Ya made it, Stan- ya made it!!!

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  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hope you don't kiss your momma with that mouth.

  42. *bell rings, light flashes*

    Last orders, gentlemen/ladies. This comment thread has served its useful purpose. We will be closing in 5 minutes.

  43. "Time, please." (directs everyone out the door)
