22 December 2017

Planning a "collective New Year's greeting card" to fellow readers.

I did this is December of 2009 as a Christmas card, then revived the concept in 2015 as a New Year's endeavor, which is what it will be this year.

Here are the instructions on how to participate:
1) In the comment section of this post, give me a link to a photo (or a bit of artwork or other image) that you have in your blog, or in your Flickr photostream or in some other online storage site. Don't email me the photo - just give the link and I'll go there and copy/repaste it.

The picture can be of you, or your family, or your computer, or your cat, or whatever - it doesn't matter.  It should belong to you (not a commercial image with copyright issues).

2) Also in your comment write a brief (25 words max) greeting, directed to the other readers and visitors.

This is to be a greeting to other readers, not a comment to me or about TYWKIWDBI.

3) Sign with the avatar name you use in commenting here, or in your blog, or your real name if you wish. This is not a venue to be used by anonymous people.  I totally recognize that a number of regular readers here prefer to leave comments anonymously - which is fine - but this greeting card is for identifiable people.
Note - as various trolls have realized and bitched endlessly about, for this blog I am the "autocrat at the breakfast table" and reserve absolute right to control the content.  For this venture I may edit comments for length and trim pictures if they are too big.  I may limit the number of entries if there are too many, and I will absolutely vaporize anything that hints of spam or might be offensive to other readers.

Addendum:  DONE (final result here).


  1. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-L8Ej_4Ni5ZY/WivRbu0Y6NI/AAAAAAAAN18/5__Ny9SCmtE51dBh6_TCO5_K6hp2GhXygCLcBGAs/s1600/3408.jpg
    Wishing you all Health, Wealth and Happiness in 2018. Always find the diamond in the mud.

    1. Your photo and greeting will be at the top of the post. Tx! (I cropped a little snow from the left to fit it to the column of the blog)

  2. https://www.flickr.com/photos/dutchman11756/19447256731/in/album-72157655426724786/

    Happy xMas and Felicitous New Year! Remember in this new year that, 'when in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!'

    - Dutch Galaxy

  3. https://www.flickr.com/photos/19140817@N02/35490976204/in/dateposted-public/

    Wishing everyone well- no matter where, or how or who you are...
    Stan B.

  4. Above all, Enjoy life, not just the holidays. It's all we have for now and later.

    Raindeer? This is Oregon after all.

  5. New Years greetings to TYWKIWDBI followers from Soapy and the rest of us @herbariasoap https://www.instagram.com/p/Bb7vRLbHXPg/?taken-by=herbariasoap

  6. https://www.flickr.com/photos/156655689@N03/36010807894/in/dateposted-public/

    New year's greetings from Flippism is the Key!

  7. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10213599550890556&set=a.10204034655934160.1073741830.1456721577&type=3

    To a MUCHMUCH Better 2018 for all of us! You (and The Minnesotastan)are my people!

  8. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DBf31NsY_LQ/WgeVImSzOOI/AAAAAAAACxQ/8FHm86ZPDD05BHPvqw-X_K-7bu5mERA3gCEwYBhgL/s1600/2017-10-28%2B09.35.15.jpg
    Spread your wings and fly high this New Year!


  9. http://starlin.tumblr.com/post/168848778091

    Bought it in '89. Served me well while I was teaching up in northern BC (we could see S. Palin's home state). Started to slow down a couple of years ago and last year I finally said goodbye to my Pathfinder (donated to the Kidney Foundation). And now this year I will be retiring... Happy New Year!

  10. Okay, I'll bite.
    This should link to the same pic: http://url.ie/122h5
    We're all different, together we make a great omelette.
    Bob the Scientist

  11. https://imgur.com/a/AqLsP Wishing everyone good health and the ability to make the world a better place, through whatever talents you may have.

  12. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_07ZE5biJmYg/TPppG3GFsZI/AAAAAAAAE7s/lLJpFIVDEkY/s0/IMG_3166e.jpg

    "On behalf of RobsWebstek I wish all the readers of TYWKIWDBI
    a peaceful and healthy 2018!" - Rob From Amersfoort

  13. http://misscellania.blogspot.com/2012/12/my-christmas-card-2012.html

    May your Christmas be all that you wish for, and may 2018 be a better year for us all.

    1. Oh dear. Please delete the Christmas part. Some info fell out of my head while looking for a picture.

    2. Consider it done ("May 2018 be all that you wish for, and a better year for us all." - Miss Cellania)

      (of course the photo will still say Christmas...)

  14. (the daughter is grown and off to college but the horse is still with me)

    Happy New Year! Count me in for making the world a better place. I'll do my best on my end. How about you?


    1. Revashane, I'm not on Facebook, so I can't view/copy that image. Can you email the photo (as an attachment) to me at retag4726@mypacks.net ??

  15. goo.gl/V4Vm44 may you see what you look at, and, look at what you see!

    http://skeetmotis.blogspot.com/ skeetmotis

    p.s. full entry for that is here http://skeetmotis.blogspot.com/2017/09/pink-door.html Pink door

  16. Happy New Year! Now go out and look at some art.

  17. Greetings from Florida! https://brettwaller.wordpress.com/2017/10/01/memorial/

  18. https://www.flickr.com/photos/gonffmouse/5002413249/in/dateposted-public.

    Happy new year from California, where the weather keeps the roses blooming even in winter.

  19. https://flic.kr/p/5LnVLp

    Hello and Happy New Year from a cold Ohio guy desperately seeking Florida.

  20. https://flic.kr/p/dzEr1B

    Have a sweet New Year!-Heather Hutchinson/ahnkadragon
