19 July 2017

"Personal flamethrowers" marketed to the general public

A flame-thrower that can hurl a stream of fire half a metre long is being marketed in China to help women fend off unwanted advances.

The device is being billed on shopping websites as a must-have "anti-pervert weapon" that can be discreetly carried in a ladies’ handbag.

Some are shaped like a cigarette lighter and emit small flames, while others hurl fire for 50cm with temperatures of up to 1,800 degrees Celsius (3,300 Fahrenheit).
Further details at The Telegraph.  I should start a "WCGW" category on TYWKIWDBI (as examples for this device, see the comment thread at Boing Boing).


  1. It's certainly dramatic, but from a security POV I don't see these "weapons" being particularly problematic. If anything the danger is that they are extremely unlikely to provide the protection they advertise. Assuming you don't know how to fight you might create a small burn before you are overpowered. A knife would be a far better bet.

    Also in the US anyone could easily buy a "pencil butane torch" from a hardware store and use it for this purpose (since it is basically the same thing just less stylish packaging).

  2. These may be effective - not from a burn someone aspect as from the natural fear that people have of fire.

    1. Held in the hand with a foot-and-a-half range, it could reach someone's eyeball.

    2. Plus the heat coming off the flame. That could also discourage someone from getting too close to you.

      With so many clothes made from plastic, the heat would melt the attackers clothes.

  3. Acid attacks on the rise in UK. Compact immolation threats in china. The appearance is of our world as an ever more dangerous place.

    1. Compact immolation? Can you clarify?

    2. I believe that by "compact immolation threat" they are referring to the tiny "personal flamethrowers" of this blog post.
