05 May 2017

Good question - updated

Via the LateStageCapitalism subreddit.

Addendum:  Here's the contrarian point of view, as expressed by one of the readers of this blog in his comment (some typos corrected):
"This is only slightly government related. It's actually representative of the lack of personal responsibility born by a society that feels government is their to bail them out. This was a century long effort from Marxists types, under the guise of progressives, to undermine America's individualistic pride and change personal determination to succeed from hard work to a lackluster lifestyle of pleasure funded off of others.

Go Funders, you'll find, did not buy insurance as the responsible person did as soon as he/she fell off their parents policy. These same people went on vacations that others could not afford, bought cars, and did other things with their money instead of the responsible thing.

The government forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions is more encouragement toward lacking of responsible behavior."
And now I'll close the comment thread because I don't have the time to curate the shitstorm of replies this comment will probably engender.


  1. Not related, but I'm in Minneapolis for the first time and I feel I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how beautiful the weather is and how friendly everyone has been so far. You've got a wonderful state here!

    1. I quite understand. In the spring, summer, and autumn I often wish I still lived there. But at least I'm in Wisconsin where the people are still "Midwestern nice."

    2. I'll take midwestern nice over Iowa Stubborn any day!

    3. Everyone is in shorts and tshirts and this Florida boy can't handle it. I'm double layered with hoodies!

    4. Wait...isn't Iowa part of the midwest? Not trolling, ignorant West Coaster

  2. I'll see your Iowa stubborn and raise you one New York rude

    1. Having spent a couple years in Boston I know that New York rude is a special brand of hostile lol

    2. yes it is... and now that I live in North Carolina I am forever glad it is in the rear view mirror

  3. Go Fund Me is the health care provider in my South Texas small town, that and the church bake sale.

  4. Go Fund Me...

    Is that the official Congressional health care program? I know it's their official motto...

  5. This is only slightly government related. It's actually representative of the lack of personal responsibility born by a society that feels government is their to bail them out. This was a century long effort from Marxists types, under the guise of progressives, to undermine America's indvidulaistic pride and change personal dertimination to succeed from hard work to a lackluster lifestyle of pleasure funded off of others.
    Go founders, you I'll find, did not buy insurance as the responsible person did as soon as he/she fell off their parents policy. These same people went on vacations that others could not afford, bought cars, and did other things with their money instead of the responsible thing.
    The government forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions is more encouragement toward lacking of responsible behavior.

    1. I am totally in awe of your amazingly classic response. I'm not even going to try to reason with you. I'll just bookmark your response as a concise summary of the archetypal thinking (if you can call it that) behind your group's attitude.

      Thank you for writing the comment. (Seriously)


    2. On second thought I decided to add your comment to the main body of the post so that it can be read by more people.

      The mind reels. I just can't...

      Gotta go mow the lawn and quit blogging.
