26 March 2017

Light. Action. Camera.

"Shot this 3 second "selfie" tonight at Coronado Beach, CA. This is me swinging a string of glow sticks with burning steel wool at the end. Canon 5D SR, Canon 16-35mm @16mm. F2.8, ISO 800. 3 second exposure."
Credit Chris Matthew Brady.

(lame title.  I'm open to suggestions...)


  1. Title suggestion: "You spin me right round, baby" Source: https://play.google.com/music/preview/T5rtocvi4bf2fswjomsgl6cbop4?lyrics=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=lyrics&pcampaignid=kp-lyrics

    1. That song has been known to come up on our background music playlist at work. One day last year I remarked, "This is the kind of song that would be banned if I owned a radio station."

      A male supervisor replied "Yeah, it's a bit, uh ..." and I said "Not exactly socially responsible." A female coworker added "No, it's not, is it?"

      If you know the song, and have a modest amount of social awareness, you understand exactly what we were talking about.

  2. Just want to tell you how very much I love this blog and deeply appreciate the work you put into it. Please don't ever stop. KaraBoo in Ohio

  3. WOW! It's beautiful and surreal. I'm glad you shared this with us.

  4. The title is NOT lame, I like it!
