03 January 2017

Why 2017 will be a bad year

 2017 = 666 + 666 + 666 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 666/666


  1. More likely why 2016 was so bad. 666 + 666 + 666 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 2016

  2. Just add 666/666 a couple thousand times to get whatever year you want...

    1. You never have to add more than seventeen 666/666 because then you do another (6+6+6) and never more than seventeen of the (6+6+6) grouping because the 18th (6+6+6) grouping would be 216 and that makes a (6*6*6) grouping once you have a little more than three of those you can make a 666 grouping and so on with (6+6+6)*666, 666666, 6*6*6*(666), 666*666, to infinity and beyond.

      This is why numerologists can always get whatever mystical numbers they want from names or dates or whatever because every number can be rephrased as an infinite number of permutations of algebraic operations upon other numbers. And in that infinity somewhere is exactly the mystic set of numbers you are looking for.
