01 January 2017

Anticipating 2017

The Trump administration heads toward Washington...

Photo via.


  1. Picture taken from crumbling trestle over waterfall.

  2. This year is the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese calendar. Think about it: a barnyard animal with a floppy reddish thing on its head, strutting around,master of all her survey, pecking at the hens, scattering his poop everywhere, and crowing about how powerful he is...

  3. It's not that we don't like Trump -- we loathe him.

  4. Zhoen ~ perfect imagery...

    Barbwire ~ Spot-on perfect description...

    Class of 65 ~ loathe, hate, despise, abominate, and are totally & completely disgusted and repulsed by...

  5. Hm, this engine was cut up for scrap less than a month after the picture was taken. I am not sure if there is an extended metaphor in that:

    1. Thank you, Josh, for the info on the background story.

    2. i have been looking for more info on that poor loco. one site http://www.rustywalrus.com/view/427/ says it was a 'CPR F7 Loco on fire'. i am not sure what the subtle differences are between a CPR F7 and a CPR FP9 1412. considering that the fire was a spectacular ending to the engine, there seems to be very little about it on the web.


  6. If you could photoshop Heath Ledger's Joker character at the controls the image would be about right.

  7. That is a metaphor for D.C. in general. Republicans and Democrats have all been shredding the Constitution for quite a few years.

  8. Love the blog. Hate the liberal political commentary. If I wanted to see political opinion, I would pick up a newspaper or watch CNN.

    1. We don't make any pretense of being "fair and balanced."

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I find our dear blogger friend to be quite cautious in his commentary.

      Why should any of us "hate" that others have and share viewpoints that aren't our own? Everyone gets a voice - and since we aren't being forced to agree with him, I would hope that no one would feel threatened by merely viewing his opinions. As with everything else on this blog, we get to learn things we wouldn't otherwise know, including how one well-reasoned person considers the political landscape.

      For the record, I don't know much about our blogger's political leanings. I, however, am a social scientist and the epitome of the far-left academic, so you're free to take what I say with that grain of salt, too.

    4. And no other politician has been any of those things.

      As someone who stays neutral to political matters, I find it all funny how people whip themselves into a frenzy over a cycle that will happen again and again.

  9. A thought, if I may....

    Before Lincoln even took office, the South had begun to secede. I wonder if the Civil War might have been averted had they but given him a fair chance. It may have been that a compromise would have been worked out that--despite ANY compromise on slavery being distasteful!--have not only spared us the War, but perhaps freed slaves in a manner that did not create the ongoing racial animosity that has followed our black brothers and sisters for well over a century now.

    I'm not saying anything better would have come of it all, but it might have. I would like to suggest that we have the common courtesy to give Trump a fair chance. I can assure you that the South likely felt as strongly against Lincoln's election as many feel about Trump's. But it just might, might, might be the case that it will work out better than we thought...if we give it a fair chance. If not, well, many already expected the worst, didn't they?

    1. I am not going to get into the myriad of individual insults, lies and mistruths this failure of a human being repeatedly conjured and perpetrated against the American public. The fact is, he became President because he was allowed more of "a fair chance" than anyone, anywhere has ever gotten- he was allowed to lie unimpeded and unpunished. The rare time he was "challenged," he simply replied he "heard it on the radio" or "saw it on the internet." No actual facts or figures, no recourse or adherence to logic or rationality- "explanation" accepted. That is well, well, well beyond any conceivable conception of "a fair chance," that is complete and total surrender to insanity.

  10. Give him a fair chance? He's already shown who he really is and what he intends to do. Why give him anything like a chance to follow through?

    I recommend this article for why we shouldn't give him a chance: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_58583b6fe4b08debb78a7d5c?ncid=engmodushpmg00000003

  11. P.T. Barnum could have been president!

  12. :-( what a waste of beautiful locomotive. :-(


  13. I am a center-right American (no, I am not Republican...)

    I read this board for one reason: Stan posts very interesting things and the articles he find are, in general, interesting and educational.

    I don't like the politics here, particularly when they are very partisan. And having expressed my personal opinion, it's Stan's blog and I fully support his right to post what he feels personally is important. I didn't like any of the top 4 candidates in the last national election from either major party, and really didn't like the minor party candidates either.

    But if you don't listen to people who have different ideas, you will not learn new things and if you don't listen to people who think they have a better way of doing things, then you will never improve. I would encourage everyone to respect other's opinions and listen to their perspectives -- as Evelyn Hall wrote: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

    1. I agree wholeheartedly; but here is a person who is displaying his complete contempt and disdain for the system not by systematically pointing out its weaknesses and wrong doings, and demonstrating how to fix them- but by using it to lie, deceive and obfuscate whatever the issue at hand. He is not challenged on his outright lies, he is not asked to produce credible, confirmable evidence, and he is repeatedly allowed to deny, alter or reinterpret whatever he says however he wants to the point of sheer absurdity. Again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.

  14. Yes, but now we have "alternative truth"! When will this end?
    I'm going to spend what time is left to me defending everything this Trump thing is threatening. Who could believe that we have come to this place? It is a Kakistocracy indeed.

  15. Dear anonymous,
    How do you like the way things are going? Me personally i think it sucks.
    The other day i was hearing news from O'odham country.
    They don't like trump, and they don't like his stupid wall.

    The Speaker said you will build this wall over my dead body!

    That's when i had to laugh, because everybody knows the whole country is built over dead bodys.

    Dear anonymous i send this to you.
    Sincerely, i am richard portman, i live in springdale utah
