04 December 2016

"We can't have 18-year-olds reading about masturbation..."

Resident Rick Ligthart read from a prepared statement the changes he wanted in the school district’s policy.

“Regardless of the books, I’m recommending to the board that no literature whatsoever be inclusive of literal metaphorical, figurative or allegorical words for male or female genitals,” said Ligthart, who described himself as a former tenured high school teacher. “English classes should not be involved in sexuality in literature for our kids. It shouldn’t be in any books — no books.”

We can’t have 18-year-olds reading about masturbation or sexual issues, regardless of the literature,” he added. “I don’t care if it’s from Dickens or who else.”
*sigh*  I'll defer commentary, although I will note that his recommendation would also ban the Bible.


  1. Yes. Of course we can't have eighteen-year-olds exposed to the concept of masturbation. Surely they have never heard of the concept at such a tender age.

  2. I'm gobsmacked. When I was 18, young men of the same age were drafted and sent to Vietnam. Seems strange that this man believes that men of that age today are too fragile to be exposed to the idea of masturbation.

    I just can't wrap my head around this type of thinking.

    1. @Cathy M: He's not telling the truth and is even likely lying to himself. Men and women of that age are not to fragile to be introduced to the topics of sexuality and masterbastion, it is their parents that are to fragile to handle the topic. Their also to fragile to just admit it.

    2. @TheReaperD: I hate finding a typo after I hit publish...

  3. I doubt I'd get along with the man... seeing as I think teenagers, and people in general... but especially young men, should be openly encouraged to masturbate. Take the shame out of it and make it a matter of public health.

    1. Not sure about encouraged

      Why not? Masturbation is free fun with your body.

      I have never understood why sex and masturbation have such a bad name. From a capitalist point of view I can understand, because you can't make money of it, so making it sound bad will get people to spend time doing other stuff they need to spend money for. But from a religious point of view, the whole sex=bad thing makes no sense. Religion is generally used to give the poor a bit of hope. So why not add some fun?

      Again, sex is free fun with your body. No reason for it to be bad.

    2. Ur propably from one of dem liberist cuntries in Eerope. ;)

    3. Totally agree.
      Learn to understand* and love your own body before you start asking someone to love you.

      * Google "How does my body work?"

  4. Ever since I was just a little boy.

  5. "Do you like Dickens?"

    "I don't know, I've never been to one."
