09 November 2016

This speech was given in 1992. Listen to it.

Listen to the man.  He explains what happened yesterday.


  1. Thanks for posting. You removed the link to the slate/vote caster polling page?

    1. I did remove it; I thought it had become irrelevant. You can find it by Googling "votecastr".

    2. http://www.recode.net/2016/11/9/13575478/missed-president-trump-win-votecastr-projections-voting-election

    3. Thank you! I appreciate and read every link you post. I always learn something when I visit your page.

  2. Clinton didn't even visit Wisconsin. She lost it.

    Clinton visited Michigan only in November after polling data showed it could be an issue. Really... Michigan, Pennsylvania... states hit hard by NAFTA and States being directly targeted by the lies of Trump for months only blipped her radar a couple days prior to the election. Clueless.

    Hubris defined this election: the people who voted for Trump think they know it all; Clinton thought it was owed to her; People who didn't vote thought it wouldn't matter.

  3. It's what really ticks me off when people (ie- the working class Heartland) say that no one was listening to them this election- someone was listening, someone did get it, someone was speaking for them! They weren't listening... because he's a Jew.

    1. Actually, many in that region voted for Sanders in the primaries. In some of those areas (Wisconsin, MN, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, etc), Sanders won outright. In others like Iowa, Sanders came really close.

      I don't think him being Jewish was much of a factor at all. More people probably didn't vote for him because he was a man than didn't vote for him because of his ethnicity.

    2. I quite agree with Roy. I don't think Sanders' Judaism had a single bit of influence on the primary voting. I doubt most of the public even knew about it. And the people DID listen to him. He was marginalized by the DNC and the Democratic party elites, not by the populace.

    3. No doubt whatsoever he was kneecapped by the Dems, but when some people say they didn't vote for him because he's a "Socialist," it's a convenient term also used by many as code for... Jew. And if there's anything this election has proved, it's that bigotry is alive and very much well.

    4. I think it "influenced" the primary voting in that anyone in Heartland America who was sincerely looking for a Republican alternative would have first discovered that he was... (egads!) a Socialist (ie- a dirty, filthy, pinko, Commie)- strike one! Those entertaining the latter train of thought would have quickly proceeded to then discover that he was a Jew- Strike Two, and Three! At that point, no matter what Sanders credibly proposed that would have directly benefited them was null and void.

      So it was on to the thoroughly white, White guy just like them- with the open book history of stiffing, conning and backstabbing everyone like them... Yes, sir- may I have another!

  4. I have voted in every election except one municipal election since I was able to vote. If you are eligible to vote, it is your duty to register and exercise the franchise. I'll bet those millennials who didn't vote because Bernie wasnt the candidate are kicking themselves now.

  5. Hello all, Jim from Australia here.

    Voting is compulsory in Australia. You can be fined or jailed for failing to vote, or failing to update details on the electoral role. It's a good system!

    We also have preferential voting, meaning we can vote for third parties, but still have that vote count for one of the two major parties in the event that the third party candidate doesn't get elected. It allows for change over time.

  6. Thanks for posting this. Sanders isn't done folks. Despite the primaries being rigged against him (and any other non-establishment outsider) the man did not give up fighting. He's not doing it for personal gain. He believes in the fable of America and we need to wake up to that.


    Listen to him and keep active.
