04 September 2016

In which Barbara serves her rhubarb cake to barbarians

For the English translation, see reader nolandda's comment.

Via Miss Cellania.


  1. It's the German version of the "Buffalo Buffalo.."

  2. My name is Barbara, and I studied German. This is a riot!

  3. This gave me flashbacks to my childhood, and Dr. Seuss' famous 'Tweedle Beetle Battle' segment of 'Fox in Socks'. I loved that book as a kid, and still do.

  4. My translation on this other copy of the video seems to be popular based on the upvotes that still trickle in periodically.


    In a small village there lived a woman with the name Barbara.

    Barbara was well known for her wonderful rhubarb cake.

    So people called her Rhubarb-Barbara.

    Rhubarb-Barbara quickly realized that she could earn some money with her cake.

    So she opened a bar, the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar.

    The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar was successful and soon she had regular customers.

    And the three most well known of her customers, three barbarians, came so often to the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar to eat Rhubarb-Barbara's rhubarb cake that they became known as the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians.

    The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians had beautiful beards.

    And if the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians wanted to groom their Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beards they went to a barber.

    And the only barber skilled enough to work on the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beards was called the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber.

    The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber also enjoyed going to the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar to eat some of Rhubarb-Barbara's delicious rhubarb cake and enjoy a beer which he proclaimed would be called the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer.

    The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer could only be purchased at one specific bar.

    And the seller of the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer under the sign for the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer-Bar is called Barbel.

    And so the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians together with the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber and Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer-Bar-Barbel went together to the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar to have piece of Rhubarb-Barbara's delicious rhubarb cake and to raise a glass of ice cold Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer.

